Ford Barker Piano Studio

Celebrations of Excellence

  Monday, November 20, 2023 by Ford Barker | Studio News

1679532491399.pngCongratulations Quincy for winning the 2024 RCM State Award. 

This is a very prestigious and internationally recognized award. Congratulations on your outstanding achievement. I am proud of you and your stellar performance on all the RCM Exams from 1 to level 8.

These certificates are awarded in each State to the student who receives the highest marks for the respective Practical examination in the previous academic year.

I am taking the liberty of quoting the RCM Adjudicator's general comment on his Level 8 RCM Critique:

"Thank you for your beautiful playing today, Quincy. You are an outstanding musical talent. Best wishes to you in your future studies and progress!

State Award Winners